We are proud to announce we are keeping Damien “D-Tek” Abrams legacy alive by bringing back the 17th annual Solar Eclipse Window Tinting Toys For Tots car show and toy drive at Dave & Buster’s in Mission Valley December 8th, 2024 9am – 2pm
Car show participants please come prior to 7:00 am roll in and park in the main lot. We will have staff at the entrance to check you in.
Roll in will start at 7:00 am promptly.
All car club members must be present at the time of check in to ensure your spot park together. To be fair with all our participants, we can not save spots for your car club. You will receive an email the week of the event with additional instructions.
*Paid participants will receive a $20 Dave & Buster’s power card for event-day use. Free and open to all ages, the event encourages attendees to bring new and unwrapped toys to make a meaningful difference for children this holiday season. Rain or shine, we’re dedicated to keeping Damien’s legacy alive through this event to support our Marines and the Toys for Tots organization. No refunds will be issued after registration.