This past weekend Solar Eclipse Window Tinting had the pleasure to bring a couple cars from San Diego to show at StanceNation’s Southern California show which was held at the OC Fair and Events center. Shin of Air Runner and ACC of Japan had us come up and display some of our cars in their booth since we utilize their air suspension so we made the trek from San Diego to Orange County to meet up with them. I personally haven’t done a StanceNation show in years because it seems I always have something going on at the same time but this year I saw the day was available and signed up right away, If you haven’t ever attended a StanceNation show or don’t know about them its a show that attracts the “low and stanced” vehicles meaning the cars suspension it set low and wide wheels that have very little clearance from tire to fender. StanceNation started around 2010 and has gained popularity with many over the past 8 years with the event not only being in California but having events all over the world. The guys at StanceNation put together a great event that was organized and ran smooth, at least from our stand point. Solar Eclipse Window Tinting was happy to make the trip from San Diego to show our cars and I hope you enjoy our photos taken by our good friend and photographer John Sediego of Jay’s Detailing located here in San Diego.